In another thread, epixoip posted this quote:
Quote:...And remember, quality over quantity. Most wordlists you download from the Internet are going to be pure garbage...
This started a few PM's back and forth, and with epixoip's permission, I'm turning the discussion into a public thread in hopes of helping myself and others.
epixoip Wrote:...Real-world passwords make the best wordlists, so the easiest way to clean your wordlist is to simply download a bunch of public leaks, run your wordlists through them, and then only save the passwords that were found in those leaks as the new wordlist.
Then you can "unrule" this list by "unapplying" best64.rule (this is kind of difficult) so that when your list is run with best64.rule, you re-create the same plains + more.
That's the simplest approach.
I have actually been doing that, or close to it. I'm thinking of two lists actually. First is the raw captures, unfiltered. This I use for generating an hcstat file. I'm debating whether to leave the duplicates (not introducing them intentionally though) simply to give more weight to more common "words".
The second, I remove the 1-4 digits and the beginning and end and lowercase everything, and remove duplicates. This becomes my attack dictionary.
epixoip responded:
Quote:You absolutely want to leave duplicates. It's extremely important to have duplicates.
Usually I trim out everything < 6 chars, with the exception of my "Top X" wordlists which are unaltered and probabilistically ordered.
The leaving of duplicates, is that for the "generate an hcstat file" list, the attack list, or both?
As for the <6 characters, I'm on the fence about that. For instance, I've been practicing on the mayhem list. I've found several passwords, including:
- Swamp8861
- Scrap1932
- Pilot8969
just to name a few. There are more examples.
All of these are <6 character words with 4 digits appended. Doing a simple hybrid attack where I append 1-4 digits is easy. But the base words, swamp, scrap, pilot, etc. are all less than 6 characters. If I filter them out, the hybrid would miss these passwords.
I could do a mask ?u?1?1?1?1?d?d?d?d and pick them back up. I'd love to hear thoughts on this from more experienced hash crackers on which approach is better, plus any other tips and tricks for creating a great wordlist(s).