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Duplicated hashes

i have a file with 10k MD5 hashes. In this file are 2k of duplicated hashes so oclhashcat is trying to crack only 8k of unicate hashes and in output file is only one hash of this duplicated hashes but in input file is this hash duplicated maybe 10 times. I want to my output file anyways include this cracked hash 10 times just like in input file. How can i do this? Is there any command for this? So i want to disable passing through duplicated hashes.

My current command:
Hashcat -m 0 -a 3 -1 mask.hcchr hash_brute.txt -o cracked_brute.txt --increment "?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1" --potfile-disable --outfile-autohex-disable

Capitalize with mode 6

How do I capitalize the first letter or all letters of a dictionary file in mode 6?

oclhashcat64 -w 3 -a 6 hash.txt dict.txt ?d?d?d

when I try adding -r it says only available in mode 0

hashcat for bitlocker


i look up for the algorithm of bitlocker
and they do PBKDF(sha256(sha256(UTF16(password)))))

i fount that hahscat know to crack the PBKDF.

how can i build a program to crack bitlocker with hashcat??


Iterated SHA-1

Cracking a SHA-256 hash

Hello all,

I am trying to crack a SHA-256 hash but I am not sure how to approach this in an efficient way. The following is known of the original non-hashed content:

- 64 characters long
- only consists 0-9 and a-z (no capital letters)
- the original content does not consist dictionary words
- the hash is not salted

I have done some reading on the subject of cracking hashes and some information I have read is conflicting. For example, one said on a public forum that SHA-256 is virtually impossible to crack while the other said that it's a rather poor method for password storage as it could be cracked easily.

Is SHA-256 a safe way to hash passwords with (if not, what are the alternatives) and how do I crack a given hash in an efficient way (assuming the given criteria above).

Thanks in advance!

Got a GTX1080 but cudaHashcat does not work


i wanted to benchmark my new GTX1080 with oclHashcat but i get the following error:

ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 301

Ist there something i can do about it or do I need to wait for the next oclHashcat release to support the GTX1080?

GTX1080 Founders Edition - hashcat-3.00-beta-40 benchmarks


Got a GTX1080 and grabbed the hashcat 3 beta from here: https://hashcat.net/beta/

This are the results:

hashcat (v3.00-beta-105-g3227ef1) starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz, skipped
Device #2: GeForce GTX 1080, 2048/8192 MB allocatable, 1733Mhz, 20MCU

Hashtype: MD4

Speed.Dev.#2.: 37748.2 MH/s (97.93ms)

Hashtype: MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.: 22054.7 MH/s (97.94ms)

Hashtype: Half MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.: 14547.3 MH/s (98.14ms)

Hashtype: SHA1

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8520.0 MH/s (98.20ms)

Hashtype: SHA256

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2864.4 MH/s (96.76ms)

Hashtype: SHA384

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1039.2 MH/s (96.89ms)

Hashtype: SHA512

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1050.0 MH/s (98.34ms)

Hashtype: SHA-3(Keccak)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   770.6 MH/s (105.22ms)

Hashtype: SipHash

Speed.Dev.#2.: 27562.3 MH/s (97.91ms)

Hashtype: RipeMD160

Speed.Dev.#2.:  4683.3 MH/s (97.16ms)

Hashtype: Whirlpool

Speed.Dev.#2.:   244.5 MH/s (184.84ms)

Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-94

Speed.Dev.#2.:   242.4 MH/s (216.01ms)

Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit

Speed.Dev.#2.: 50268.6 kH/s (328.98ms)

Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit

Speed.Dev.#2.: 49562.5 kH/s (331.92ms)

Hashtype: phpass, MD5(Wordpress), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Joomla)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6641.5 kH/s (100.78ms)

Hashtype: scrypt

Speed.Dev.#2.:   430.9 kH/s (448.66ms)

Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  7170.2 kH/s (99.43ms)

Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1

Speed.Dev.#2.:  3108.6 kH/s (87.83ms)

Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1146.5 kH/s (82.66ms)

Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512

Speed.Dev.#2.:   419.8 kH/s (96.70ms)

Hashtype: Skype

Speed.Dev.#2.: 12680.0 MH/s (98.19ms)

Hashtype: WPA/WPA2

Speed.Dev.#2.:   383.6 kH/s (97.68ms)

Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1800.3 MH/s (98.75ms)

Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1

Speed.Dev.#2.:   746.9 MH/s (100.28ms)

Hashtype: NetNTLMv1-VANILLA / NetNTLMv1+ESS

Speed.Dev.#2.: 21724.4 MH/s (97.74ms)

Hashtype: NetNTLMv2

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1559.7 MH/s (97.27ms)


Speed.Dev.#2.:  1537.6 MH/s (98.58ms)

Hashtype: Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23

Speed.Dev.#2.:   287.0 MH/s (106.49ms)

Hashtype: Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23

Speed.Dev.#2.:   289.1 MH/s (105.75ms)

Hashtype: DNSSEC (NSEC3)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  3049.5 MH/s (104.60ms)

Hashtype: PostgreSQL Challenge-Response Authentication (MD5)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  5813.7 MH/s (98.08ms)

Hashtype: MySQL Challenge-Response Authentication (SHA1)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2177.3 MH/s (100.81ms)

Hashtype: SIP digest authentication (MD5)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1974.8 MH/s (98.14ms)

Hashtype: SMF > v1.1

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6541.2 MH/s (100.77ms)

Hashtype: vBulletin < v3.8.5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6743.2 MH/s (99.25ms)

Hashtype: vBulletin > v3.8.5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  4690.7 MH/s (97.66ms)

Hashtype: IPB2+, MyBB1.2+

Speed.Dev.#2.:  4893.2 MH/s (97.88ms)

Hashtype: WBB3, Woltlab Burning Board 3

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1242.9 MH/s (99.21ms)

Hashtype: Joomla < 2.5.18

Speed.Dev.#2.: 21781.8 MH/s (97.97ms)

Hashtype: PHPS

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6705.0 MH/s (99.04ms)

Hashtype: Drupal7

Speed.Dev.#2.:    55392 H/s (97.62ms)

Hashtype: osCommerce, xt:Commerce

Speed.Dev.#2.: 12616.6 MH/s (97.06ms)

Hashtype: PrestaShop

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8368.9 MH/s (96.54ms)

Hashtype: Django (SHA-1)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6584.0 MH/s (98.84ms)

Hashtype: Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)

Speed.Dev.#2.:    57752 H/s (98.21ms)

Hashtype: Mediawiki B type

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6185.7 MH/s (99.79ms)

Hashtype: Redmine Project Management Web App

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2051.9 MH/s (99.33ms)

Hashtype: PostgreSQL

Speed.Dev.#2.: 21586.1 MH/s (97.99ms)

Hashtype: MSSQL(2000)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8323.4 MH/s (98.66ms)

Hashtype: MSSQL(2005)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8226.3 MH/s (99.81ms)

Hashtype: MSSQL(2012)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1036.0 MH/s (98.06ms)

Hashtype: MySQL323

Speed.Dev.#2.: 45296.0 MH/s (29.43ms)

Hashtype: MySQL4.1/MySQL5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  3615.3 MH/s (101.16ms)

Hashtype: Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   931.5 MH/s (117.93ms)

Hashtype: Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8294.3 MH/s (99.01ms)

Hashtype: Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   100.4 kH/s (96.64ms)

Hashtype: Sybase ASE

Speed.Dev.#2.:   354.5 MH/s (99.57ms)

Hashtype: EPiServer 6.x < v4

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6571.3 MH/s (99.86ms)

Hashtype: EPiServer 6.x > v4

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2454.8 MH/s (96.29ms)

Hashtype: md5apr1, MD5(APR), Apache MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  9516.9 kH/s (97.94ms)

Hashtype: ColdFusion 10+

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1669.5 MH/s (97.76ms)

Hashtype: hMailServer

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2420.5 MH/s (98.28ms)

Hashtype: SHA-1(Base64), nsldap, Netscape LDAP SHA

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8290.9 MH/s (99.06ms)

Hashtype: SSHA-1(Base64), nsldaps, Netscape LDAP SSHA

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8301.8 MH/s (98.90ms)

Hashtype: SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1045.4 MH/s (97.13ms)

Hashtype: LM

Speed.Dev.#2.: 17436.5 MH/s (76.66ms)

Hashtype: NTLM

Speed.Dev.#2.: 35862.6 MH/s (100.71ms)

Hashtype: Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache

Speed.Dev.#2.: 10692.6 MH/s (97.60ms)

Hashtype: Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2

Speed.Dev.#2.:   306.4 kH/s (101.49ms)

Hashtype: MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256

Speed.Dev.#2.:  9762.2 kH/s (47.42ms)

Hashtype: descrypt, DES(Unix), Traditional DES

Speed.Dev.#2.:   884.4 MH/s (95.97ms)

Hashtype: BSDiCrypt, Extended DES

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1512.2 kH/s (104.55ms)

Hashtype: md5crypt, MD5(Unix), FreeBSD MD5, Cisco-IOS MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.:  9674.7 kH/s (97.60ms)

Hashtype: bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD)

Speed.Dev.#2.:    11668 H/s (60.23ms)

Hashtype: sha256crypt, SHA256(Unix)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   375.3 kH/s (95.33ms)

Hashtype: sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   136.3 kH/s (104.02ms)

Hashtype: OSX v10.4, v10.5, v10.6

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6526.5 MH/s (99.88ms)

Hashtype: OSX v10.7

Speed.Dev.#2.:   830.7 MH/s (96.57ms)

Hashtype: OSX v10.8+

Speed.Dev.#2.:    11900 H/s (97.47ms)

Hashtype: AIX {smd5}

Speed.Dev.#2.:  9602.4 kH/s (98.54ms)

Hashtype: AIX {ssha1}

Speed.Dev.#2.: 43242.4 kH/s (51.14ms)

Hashtype: AIX {ssha256}

Speed.Dev.#2.: 14513.1 kH/s (56.02ms)

Hashtype: AIX {ssha512}

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6210.1 kH/s (95.89ms)

Hashtype: Cisco-PIX MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.: 16352.0 MH/s (40.85ms)

Hashtype: Cisco-ASA MD5

Speed.Dev.#2.: 15948.5 MH/s (98.87ms)

Hashtype: Cisco-IOS SHA256

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2774.7 MH/s (97.23ms)

Hashtype: Cisco $8$

Speed.Dev.#2.:    56950 H/s (99.24ms)

Hashtype: Cisco $9$

Speed.Dev.#2.:     5161 H/s (984.61ms)

Hashtype: Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)

Speed.Dev.#2.: 12458.0 MH/s (98.59ms)

Hashtype: Juniper IVE

Speed.Dev.#2.:  9638.2 kH/s (97.77ms)

Hashtype: Android PIN

Speed.Dev.#2.:  5251.0 kH/s (98.81ms)

Hashtype: Citrix NetScaler

Speed.Dev.#2.:  7133.3 MH/s (98.96ms)

Hashtype: RACF

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2511.6 MH/s (104.14ms)

Hashtype: GRUB 2

Speed.Dev.#2.:    41747 H/s (97.03ms)

Hashtype: Radmin2

Speed.Dev.#2.:  7389.7 MH/s (104.15ms)


Speed.Dev.#2.:  1221.8 MH/s (102.77ms)


Speed.Dev.#2.:   720.8 MH/s (112.91ms)


Speed.Dev.#2.:  5890.4 kH/s (67.46ms)

Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 5

Speed.Dev.#2.:   204.0 MH/s (155.49ms)

Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 6

Speed.Dev.#2.: 69853.8 kH/s (142.24ms)

Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 8

Speed.Dev.#2.:   637.3 kH/s (100.29ms)

Hashtype: PeopleSoft

Speed.Dev.#2.:  8049.7 MH/s (83.11ms)

Hashtype: PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN

Speed.Dev.#2.:  3132.6 MH/s (97.84ms)

Hashtype: 7-Zip

Speed.Dev.#2.:     7426 H/s (97.87ms)

Hashtype: WinZip

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1015.5 kH/s (91.18ms)

Hashtype: RAR3-hp

Speed.Dev.#2.:    28646 H/s (77.73ms)

Hashtype: RAR5

Speed.Dev.#2.:    34854 H/s (99.15ms)

Hashtype: AxCrypt

Speed.Dev.#2.:   112.3 kH/s (277.49ms)

Hashtype: AxCrypt in memory SHA1

Speed.Dev.#2.:  7198.8 MH/s (99.97ms)

Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:   265.0 kH/s (98.35ms)

Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:   359.5 kH/s (91.13ms)

Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:    36229 H/s (275.76ms)

Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode

Speed.Dev.#2.:   495.9 kH/s (92.27ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:      865 H/s (100.37ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:      761 H/s (102.10ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:       71 H/s (284.60ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode

Speed.Dev.#2.:     1702 H/s (100.96ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit

Speed.Dev.#2.:     1126 H/s (102.19ms)

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode

Speed.Dev.#2.:     2920 H/s (97.96ms)

Hashtype: Android FDE <= 4.3

Speed.Dev.#2.:   766.4 kH/s (98.89ms)

Hashtype: Android FDE (Samsung DEK)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   281.8 kH/s (92.68ms)

Hashtype: eCryptfs

Speed.Dev.#2.:    13000 H/s (98.97ms)

Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, oldoffice$0, oldoffice$1

Speed.Dev.#2.:   216.4 MH/s (107.13ms)

Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collision-mode #1

Speed.Dev.#2.:   326.0 MH/s (113.62ms)

Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, oldoffice$3, oldoffice$4

Speed.Dev.#2.:   285.6 MH/s (109.77ms)

Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collision-mode #1

Speed.Dev.#2.:   321.1 MH/s (111.32ms)

Hashtype: Office 2007

Speed.Dev.#2.:   128.8 kH/s (100.61ms)

Hashtype: Office 2010

Speed.Dev.#2.:    63957 H/s (101.16ms)

Hashtype: Office 2013

Speed.Dev.#2.:     8527 H/s (97.33ms)

Hashtype: PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   336.0 MH/s (110.33ms)

Hashtype: PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #1

Speed.Dev.#2.:   336.5 MH/s (117.52ms)

Hashtype: PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)

Speed.Dev.#2.: 15404.4 kH/s (40.33ms)

Hashtype: PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2748.2 MH/s (95.51ms)

Hashtype: PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)

Speed.Dev.#2.:    29641 H/s (431.30ms)

Hashtype: Password Safe v2

Speed.Dev.#2.:   325.3 kH/s (52.78ms)

Hashtype: Password Safe v3

Speed.Dev.#2.:  1183.6 kH/s (89.07ms)

Hashtype: Lastpass

Speed.Dev.#2.:  2236.2 kH/s (73.56ms)

Hashtype: 1Password, agilekeychain

Speed.Dev.#2.:  3189.6 kH/s (99.58ms)

Hashtype: 1Password, cloudkeychain

Speed.Dev.#2.:    10300 H/s (97.53ms)

Hashtype: Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat

Speed.Dev.#2.:     4326 H/s (96.66ms)

Hashtype: Blockchain, My Wallet

Speed.Dev.#2.: 47557.3 kH/s (33.50ms)

Hashtype: Keepass 1 (AES/Twofish) and Keepass 2 (AES)

Speed.Dev.#2.:   134.2 kH/s (268.48ms)

Hashtype: ArubaOS

Speed.Dev.#2.:  6300.8 MH/s (102.11ms)

Started: Sat May 28 18:08:08 2016
Stopped: Sat May 28 18:21:34 2016

Best approach for [capitalised word] [capitalised word] [1 to 99]

I've got a word list, and I wanted to write a set of rules to take two words from the dictionary, capitalise the first words first letter, and then add numbers from 0 through 99 at the end.
Say our dictionary has two words, "aardvark", and "ball".

... all the way to 99....
ballball99.... [end]

I thought it was a hybrid attack, a dictionary word plus the rule ?d?d, but that's only lowercase words in my dictionary, and it only does one word in length. Ok, but not the double word I wanted!

No luck.

I tried learning rules, which I got some familiarity with, but when I tried using them with a "combinator attack" - where I use the same dictionary twice to produce a word/word keyspace:

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -j '$c' -r ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"Error: english.dic: empty file" - the file isn't empt, so my command line switches must be wrong. =(

I added the -r switch to use rules:

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -r -j '$c' -k ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"Error: Use of rules-file............ only allowed in attack-mode 0"

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -r -j '$c' -k ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"ERROR: -j: No such file or directory" - Looks like I can't use the switch -r to turn on rules and use left/right rules.

I used:
Bigbird1 : 1C7ED549326133D9E9287415B99C8789
Smallhouse5 : E182A4FEF70F5CA2D962D0BEC45582B5

I didn't try for capital word/capital word, and two digits - as I can't get this one working.

Generating random strings

I was wondering if it is following possible in oclHashcat to let it generate random 64 characters long strings (which consists of 0-9 and a-z), hash it with SHA-256 and compare the given hash to the hash I want to crack.

-m 13100 (Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23) return Invalid hash-type specified ???

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 0 -m 13100  

return-  "ERROR: Invalid hash-type specified"

I'm running above win 10(x64) with the last NVidia driver

Uknown Encrypted Archive


Back in 2009 I encrypted a bunch of files with either winace (90% sure, atho I cannot create a .xef with winace now) or I might have used ashampoo. The files have the .xef extension.  I have tried to find out what type of encryption this is but have never gotten anywhere.  JTR and hashcat seem to run ok with the file but no idea if it is actually doing anything.

I know min/max and all the possible words/numbers it could be.

Anyway this seems like it would be easy but I have failed for years at this. Does anyone know anything about this .xef format?

Need help with this MD5 hash

I have to crack these hashes for a class. I have managed to get the first to combining some rules together using oclhashcat think it was the d3ad0ne.rule combinator.rule and toggles1.rule but i just cant get he third one. Teacher said it has special characters in it and thats what seems to throw me off. They are all 8 characters and should be the from the same leodicap word jsut with caps, numbers etc.. any help would appreciated, even jsut what rules to use, when i use the d3adone rule it does have some errors saying it cant convert them or something. thanks

332da1681ea3c10994f406aa45420e18 - leoDicap
1bd3e31796268572b20361c03e6d238d - Le0D1caP
eead7c09f856ba82ec43d965c5d0c9ba -

Google's Tensor processing units (TPU)

SHA1 and UTF8

I'm trying to get oclHashCat/cudaHashCat to find some known passwords, but it's not working. Here's an example:

Password: «T€$t»

$ echo -n «T€\$t» | sha1sum

$ echo -n «T€\$t» | hexdump -C
00000000 c2 ab 54 e2 82 ac 24 74 c2 bb |..T...$t..|

So this is UTF8-encoded, and as you can see, some chars have 1-byte encodings, some have 2-byte encodings, and some have 3-byte encodings. The € symbol is encoded with 3 bytes, like this:

$ echo -n € | hexdump -C
00000000 e2 82 ac |...|

How can I specify the character set necessary to find this with hashcat? Shouldn't take too long, it's only 6 characters long.

The following does not work:

$ cudaHashcat64.bin -m 100 -a 3 --custom-charset1=«»Tt€\$ test.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1

The following actually works, but if I have to specify all 2 and 3 byte characters as potential hex combinations, I'll be wasting a _lot_ of time trying invalid combinations:

$ cudaHashcat64.bin -m 100 -a 3 --custom-charset1=«»Tt€\$ test.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

To crack an 8-character long password with this method, I have to tell hashcat to try all combinations of up to 24 bytes long, which is unlikely to ever finish?

ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

I am trying to run oclHashCat on my MSI HD6770 GPU. 

Software Information

Radeon Settings Version - 2015.1129.1552.28517
Driver Packaging Version - 15.30.1025.1001-151129a-297019E
Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
2D Driver Version -
Direct3D® Version -
OpenGL® Version -
OpenCL™ Version -
AMD Mantle Version -
AMD Mantle API Version - Not Available
AMD Audio Driver Version -

When I run the command i am getting,

ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

I am using oclHashcat v2.00 and oclHashcat v2.01, both are giving same error.

.png   oclHash.png (Size: 11.56 KB / Downloads: 3)

caching segment, please wait ...

My first attempt shows this -- caching segment, please wait ... -- and nothing more.
I downloaded v 2.00
My command line follows.  There are 10 hashes in hashes.txt
hashcat-cli64.exe --hash-type=0 --attack-mode=8 hashes.txt rockyou.txt

F:\SFTP\03_Secure\97 Software\hashcat-2.00>hashcat-cli64.exe --hash-type=0 --attack-mode=8 hashes.txt rockyou.txt
Initializing hashcat v2.00 with 32 threads and 256mb segment-size...
Added hashes from file hashes.txt: 10 (1 salts)
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [b]ypass [q]uit =>
Caching segment, please wait...
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [b]ypass [q]uit =>

Hardware Review Please

I'm getting ready to build two of these boxes and wanted to know if I could get anyone's opinion on this.  

Also note that there is an extra GPU and extra PCI Riser card for a spare on the list.  I will be running a 6 GPU host. 

Thanks in advance. 

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6800K 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor  ($491.61 @ Newegg) 
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master GeminII S524 Ver 2 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler  ($45.87 @ Newegg) 
Motherboard: ASRock X99 WS-E EATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard  ($496.52 @ Newegg) 
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 64GB (8 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory  ($327.73 @ Newegg) 

Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($346.26 @ Newegg) 
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($346.26 @ Newegg) 
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($346.26 @ Newegg) 
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($346.26 @ Newegg) 
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($346.26 @ Newegg) 

Power Supply: Corsair Professional 1200W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($336.47 @ Newegg) 
Power Supply: Corsair Professional 1200W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($336.47 @ Newegg) 

Case: PrimoChill Hasher - Rugged Crypto Stackable Mining Rack ($129.99)

Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.99)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.99)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.99)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.99)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.99)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.98)
Other: PNY GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB CG Edition ($659.98)

Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card  ($12.95)
Other: PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser Adapter Card ($12.95)

Total: $8635.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-06-02 09:56 EDT-0400

Found passwords post-processing

Hello everyone,

with all those recent leaks I was wondering if there is an efficient way to post-process passwords. For example we all know that the following strings come from the same word:

Which steps we can use to reduce the previous passwords to the good old password? I was thinking about stripping leading/trailing digits and special chars, then lowercase it and replace any leet speech.
Do you have any improvement to suggest?
Do you think that it could be an useful post-processing?
Some time ago atom said he was writing an article about this topic, but I never had the chance to read it.

extrem slow cracking


if I benchmark SHA1 cracking I get Megahashes/second.
If I do real crack it is 10 Kilohashes/second.

Do you have any ideas why?


How build it from source? [Windows7]

i download files from github.
in BUILD.md for windows we see: "make win32 win64" but i have error.
[Image: h_1464967976_2590997_4addb5f63f.png]
oclHashcat work with CUDA?
sorry for my bad English
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