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PBKDF2 new format hash

i just search this topic on the https://hashcat.net/trac/ticket/256;

can atom add this new Algorithm to the oclhashcat?

hash: sha256:10000:XuJt+k6LpRfuKnE8qLbn/JNGYEdbZmRM:URQ7Eh6u9tomqqp4fDYlciVSuwBBxyWo

the plain text is : 12345678

this Algorithm is not the same as the Django (PBKDF2-SHA256) which added in oclhashcat ....

this Algorithm is used much more than before...

thanks ,admin

Reference vs OEM Design

Sorry, this is probably a n00b question, but I have been browsing the Hardware forum looking for good options for some graphics cards I can put in a 2-3 GPU rig and I have seen a lot of posts related to Reference vs OEM Design cards.

My question, is that from searching eBay and other sites, how can I tell just from the photo which type of card it is? Is it as simple that reference cards have fans out the back??

Thanks in advance.

input file format

can i use the hash:username or username:hash as an input file format , and if i can what exact option or method should i use?


eg: [hash removed by philsmd]:xxxxxx@gmail.com

Can hybrid attack work with rules?

OCLHashCat v1.32 yields no error for this command-line (hybrid attack):

oclhashcat64 -m 1000 Hashes.txt -a 6 Dictio.txt ?d -j d

So, can I assume that "-j" option (rule for left dictionary) works with this attack?

Thanks you.

how can i use an old version of cudaHashcat?

today when i run cudaHashcat(1.30), an error pops:
ERROR: This copy of cudaHashcat is outdated. Get a more recent version.

so i downloaded the newest version(1.32) and execute again. but this time, another error comes out:
ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209

i've read that this error indicates that it requires a new version of nvidia driver, but i don't want to update the driver, as updating driver may brings new bugs and may affect system stability.

so i wonders is there any way to use the old version of cudaHashcat? it used to work perfectly

Simple Question - Extreme Beginner

Good Afternoon,

I have been reading / attempting a simple command in cudahashcat64. My interest in hashcat is because i have a USB flash drive that was hidden by TrueCrypt a year ago, and of course i no longer remember the password to mount the drive and see whats on it, if anything. So, I decided to start with the basics, learn, and hopefully one day be able to retrieve my password from the annoying truecrypt volume. Sadly, i guess even the basics of the basics are beyond me atm.

What i am trying to do is take the example that was provided with the download, and just get it to output it into a file called crack.txt that is a text file within the folder. It completes everything fine but does not report it to the .txt file. Please advise

My command line:

"cudahashcat64.exe -m 400 example400.hash example.dict -o crack.txt

Its basically the example code just with the output value. To me it seems pretty simple but its not delivered to the crack.txt file. Is there something wrong with the syntax or am i a nub who should just give up.


Quick bruteforce char set help

I'm trying bruteforce a password with a known length of 16 chars only. Any of the 16 can be uppercase alpha or numeric. There are no special chars, no lowercase, etc. If someone could tell me the easiest way to get this result, I'd appreciate it.

I'm sure this has been explained somewhere, so excuse the duplication - I wasn't able to track down an answer to this specific question, though I'm sure it's an easy one.

maskprocessor to output in HEX?

This great tool is able to generate special chars with the ?b function.
But I'm having a hard time converting special chars like 'tab' or other control characters to HEX in my windows environment.

What could I do to get the output in hex??
I tried to convert with ULM, hexdump (gnuwin32) but the tools are not able to read the special_char-file processed by maskprocessor.

Thank you for any reply


How to crack password to Lotus Notes User ID File.

Is it possible to crack the password for Lotus Notes User ID File?

Require a little help here.

Hello all! Ive started studying password cracking since a couple of months and now I plan to build my first computer for gpu cracking.

So for the moment I will start building something with a budget.
I will get a mobo (150-200$) with 4x pci express slot. I will start with one graphic card and eventually add them until I get the 4x maximum.

Some things im wondering and would like to have you guys help:

How important is the cpu for gpu cracking? Should I get like a cheap dual core or a good quad core.

How much ram would I need and does the ram speed play a role.

If I have the 4x graphic card set on the mobo, would a 1000psu be sufficient or I will need at least two psu?

Should I get extra fan?

Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks

usage of --show option

I have a list of plain 32 hex sums (no salts), So first off I checked it against my pot file using oclHashcat v1.32.

./oclHashcat64.bin -o outfile.txt hashes.txt --show

Upon checking the outfile I noticed a lot of what seems to me as IPB algos that where recovered by the potfile with the salt and plain appended to the original hash.

But all the hashes recovered, say 50k +/- have 1 char missing from the salt in the outfile, though when grab a few from the outfile to compare with the potfile the salt has 5 chars, not 4 which is being written to the outfile.

why is it dropping 1 salt char when writing checking the potfile? it's the same if i output to terminal.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just my incorrect usage so I hope what I wrote is clear enough.

I don't want to start posting hashes.

Multi-GPU Setup

I have been given a HP DL585 G7 server, according to the HP Spec's, it has the following for PCI-Express

# Technology Bus Width/Connector Width Form Factor Notes
1 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
2 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
3 PCI-Express x16 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
4 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
5 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
6 PCI-Express x16 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
7 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
8 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
9 PCI-Express x16 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
10 PCI-Express x8 /x16 Full Length/Full Height
11 PCI-Express x16 /x16 Full Length/Full Height

based on this, in theory would be possible to load it up 8-11 with video cards as an oclHashcat box? I read lots about the Tyan 77 motherboard, but a free server is free.. also I have 3 AMD/ATI R7 250x (non-reference boards), running in a desktop, so if this will work, I will update to the reference boards.

In this case if I an squeeze in 11 cards in the single box, are the 250/250x or cheaper cards and more of them, better than a single R9 card of some sort?

any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

decryption mechanism in wpa & wpa2

Dear Sir,

In the decryption in the cell phone number, such as 0958112782

How is the mechanism-09?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

1. computing from 00,000,000 to 999,99,999
2. computing from 999,99,999 to 00,000,000
3. computing Randomly

thanks a lot

Hired Help?

Hey guys.

Just wondering if ever any of you could be persuaded to be hired to find a password of mine. It's for a SecondLife (dot com) account I created years ago, forgot the password, but would love the account back. I just can't remember my danged password and the e-mail I signed up with is long-ago defunct so I can't even do a password-reset on the account. Gah...

This might be easier than my learning how to use this application. If this request is in violation of some TOS or other, I do sincerely apologize, but this has been plaguing me for some time without resolve, so I figured I'd come here where people seem to know what they're talking about.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

Many thanks and much love, in advance.

GTX 970 VRAM allocation bug

weird algorithm

hi all

hopefully this isnt a stupid question.

im not quite sure how to solve this. i tried ways of using existing algorithms to solve this but that didn't work.

the algorithm is md5($pass.$salt.md5($pass.$salt))

is there anyway to solve this with the existing program or do i need to make a feature request?

thanks in advance!

Password Audit

Hey, I'm curious how a password audit works?

Just think about a company with 150 desktops.
How do you audit all these passwords?
Do you have to get all the 150 NTLM Hashs of every single desktop or are they stored on a server?

Noob question I know, but it would be great if someone could explain it to me.

All the best

WPA2 Speed drops by 5x


I have an issue with unjustified speed drops. Usually for WPA2 I have nice speeds, around 176 kH/s.

I wanted to try hybrid dictonary + 3 digits:

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 6 -m 2500 --session=all --status --status-timer=60 -o "z:\1.txt" --outfile-format=3 -w 3 --gpu-temp-abort=80 ".hccap" "words.txt" ?d?d?d

Which results in nice speeds:

Hash.Type......: WPA/WPA2
Time.Started...: Tue Jan 27 00:24:13 2015 (4 mins, 2 secs)
Time.Estimated.: Tue Jan 27 00:33:58 2015 (5 mins, 42 secs)
Speed.GPU.#1...:   176.5 kH/s
Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 49624896/109861000 (45.17%)
Skipped........: 0/49624896 (0.00%)
Rejected.......: 6920000/49624896 (13.94%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: 99% Util, 72c Temp, N/A Fan

Now by just changing the order (?d?d?d + dictionary) I get 5 times slower speed:

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 7 -m 2500 --session=all --status --status-timer=60 -o "z:\1.txt" --outfile-format=3 -w 3 --gpu-temp-abort=80 ".hccap" ?d?d?d "words.txt"

Hash.Type......: WPA/WPA2
Time.Started...: Tue Jan 27 00:34:54 2015 (22 secs)
Time.Estimated.: Tue Jan 27 01:33:53 2015 (58 mins, 36 secs)
Speed.GPU.#1...:    32209 H/s
Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 847736/109861000 (0.77%)
Skipped........: 0/847736 (0.00%)
Rejected.......: 127412/847736 (15.03%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: 93% Util, 61c Temp, N/A Fan

Few facts:

- the speed is almost constant for both cases, testes that a couple of times
- same input is used for both cases, however changing dict and hccap file changes nothing at all
- the gpu utilization is ~93% not ~99% as usual (per MSI afterburner) for the second, slower variant - indicating some issues with feeding the gpu with data
- running windows + cudahashcat 1.31 + hashcatGUI 0.44
- newest drivers
- the wordlist is on SSHD
- GPU temp is at relaxed 60 C
- neither the SSHD nor CPU/memory seem to be bothered in anyway
My humble question:

Why shift from dict+mask to mask+dict caused such a decrease in speed?

Need advisory to build distributed cracking system

- Hello Experts , i need advisory about distributed cracking system , i have a server with hardware
CPU : Intel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
GPU : HD7970 x 1
OS : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (32 bit)

- i want to buy a server to build distributed cracking system , i saw performance test on the hashcat webpage , and i need advisory about hardware (mainboard , CPU , RAM ...) , cooling system like PC4 (AMD R9 290X x8 ) , and with the hardware difference between 2 server , is it possible to combine ?


Third-party utility: analyze_hccap

analyze_hccap is a new small perl script I developed which sometimes can be very handy to analyze the content of .hccap files (for -m 2500 = WPA cracking, see https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccap ).

The github repository with instructions can be found here:

It is especially useful when you for instance have .hccap files with more than 1 network (lets say a "multi hccap file").
The tool even has a filter s.t. the user can select the networks/single hccaps he wants to display (in case of a multi hccap file).

Let me know if you find it useful and/or have some suggestions, improvement requests etc.
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