Trying to crack 10 MS word files for an assignment (1-9 are oldoffice$3, 10 is office 2013), the first 5 went fine with m 9800. For files 6 to 9, Hashcat managed to yield a result but upon entering the passwords, MS word says the file is corrupt/Error opening file. I assume it is due to collision, hence for file 6, I tried m 9810 which didn't work as the password is supposedly 7 characters according to the hint given. Moving onto 9820, I keep getting Token Length Exception.
This is the hash format and first password obtained with 9800:
Below is the command I ran:
hashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 9820 -w 4 -o ~\ans.txt ~\6.txt -1 ?s?d?l ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Referring to the hash examples on the wiki, I did use the hash with the first password obtained from running m 9800. I am unaware of any mistakes that could've been made. Any insight would be great.
On a side note, when trying to crack file 10 with m 9600, my GPU heats up really quick, prompting Hashcat abort, is this normal?
Thanks in advance.
First year CS Student running a GTX1050 laptop (Yes, I know it is not recommended for this kinda stuff, but this is what I have to work with)