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20 GPU in one case chassis!

Don't understand how to use the command line

Trying to run it like this:
D:\Downloads\hashcat-2.00\hashcat-2.00>hashcat-cli64.exe -a 0 -m 1000 my.hash
Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfiles|directories]

Try --help for more help.
So the output means that there's invalid argument. Did a bit of debugging and it just tries to parse "my.hash" as command line argument via getopt_long() and does exit (-1); 
Can't find the way to pass the path to my hash file to the application.

oclhashcat without a monitor

hi to all
is it possible to run the oclhashcat without plugin a monitor.
I have tried oclhashcat with --benchmark and it was okey when monitor is plugged.
But when we move the PC to server room without a monitor plugged (even no kvm)  oclhashat give me the following error when I connect with ssh -x ipadddress

ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

Is there any solution for this?
Any idea?


Fan Control

I've got an ASRock Z170 OC Formula board that works alright with 4 GTX 980s. I've beefed up several of the chassis fans that handle the cooling ok, but now they're quite loud.  I'd like to be able to spin them down when the system isn't under a heavy load.  My problem is that the fan control is handled in the bios and only has the ability to monitor the mobo or CPU temp. Since most of my heat is generated by the GPUs, ideally I'd like to be able to control the fans based on that.  The Asrock board has a Windows utility that can control the fans, but I'm in Ubuntu and I need it to be scriptable. Getting the temperatures of the GPUs isn't a problem. 

So here are my two questions:
1. Does anyone know of a way to control the chassis fans on this Asrock board from the command line in linux?

2. Would anyone recommend a hardware fan controller that I can control through linux? 

Is there another solution I'm missing?

New Hashtopus version comming and new forum

I  and curlyboy are working on the latest version of hashtopus.
It will have a completely new web interface.
We made our own forum you are welcome to ask all your questions hashtopus.
We also have a demo of the latest version.

site http://hashtopus.org/Site/
Forum http://hashtopus.org/Site/forum/
Demo http://hashtopus.org/Demo/admin.php just log in white a black password non of the agents are real so dont try ****ing it up.

If you have any more question ask them on the hashtopus forum.
Or send me a telegram


[Image: 1bbd7c91ca6e.jpg]Anybody can explain this low utilisation? 10x.

Lotus/Domino 6 mask

Hi All,

I'm trying to crack some Lotus notes 6 hashes (-m 8700) but I'm not quite sure what mask I should be using. Is it the same as Domino 8? (-m 9100):
-a 3 ha?l?l?l?l?l

I've tried this and I haven't had any luck. Maybe some other issue?

They're discussing the topic here but I couldn't quite figure it out for myself:

Since that thread is super old I figured I'd make a new post about it

Thanks for the help!

modx modPBKDF2 hashes

Need help about modPBKDF2 hashes brute.

Got some hashes from modx database.
Columns look like:
password is '+7WYTHGVutZhmE9KYjb93Rvtd/XIy0aM+I8t42EyVDc='
salt is 'a9a3cd2a52f4ead8bff477941ceb62f5'
Clear password is 123123.

Algo is presented here https://fossies.org/dox/modx-2.4.3-pl/mo...ource.html
Looks like it`s pbkdf2_sha256 (module Django (PBDKF2-SHA256) for oclHashcat?), but I cannot brute it with this module.
Hash input set as pbkdf2_sha256$1000$a9a3cd2a52f4ead8bff477941ceb62f5$+7WYTHGVutZhmE9KYjb93Rvtd/XIy0aM+I8t42EyVDc=. just as I use it with HashManager.
Mistake in oclHashcat is "Line-length exception". I think, I need to use another input format for hash, am I right?

Floating Mask. How to?

Hi, Everyone,
What you are doing here is very interesting and I am impressed. I performed several tests using BruteForce, oclHashcat and Hashoctopus. I am writing here because I want to achieve a specific task with brute force and hashcat mask and I didn`t find the right solution or syntax searching this forum and the  Net.
Here is what I want to do:
 I know that the password contains one special character and one Upper Case character, the rest is lower case. I do not know the positions of the special char and the upper case character, so I need a mask that will test all combinations with different position. For example:

Password             MASK 
P@ssword           ?u?a?l?l?l?l?l?l
passwo!D            ?l?l?l?l?l?l?a?u
pa$wOrd             ?l?l?a?l?u?l?l

I want ?u?a to float around the whole password length, and to be present only once. This will reduce dramatically the combination for testing.
Is there a way to achieve that in a single mask?

Thank you in advance.

oclHashcat64 syntax

Hey everyone. I'm brand new here and very new to using oclhascat. Currently running it in windows 7 and I keep getting this error message

Usage : cudaHashcat64 [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...

Try --help for more help.

After giving the following command:

cudaHashcat64 -m 0 -a 1 \e::\Assn3hash.txt\ \e:\Cracking\Passlists\Passwords.txt\

Assn3hash.txt is a file with an md5 hash value in it and Passwords.txt is a file with a few combined passlists. Where am i going wrong in my code?


GetThermalSettings error ?


OS : Win 8.1x64 / Nvidia 361.91
Cudahashcat 2.01

cmdline : --benchmark
Got :
Quote:WARN: NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings() -1 NVAPI_ERROR

I quit, and launch it again and have :
Quote:ERROR: No NVidia compatible platform found

Any idea ?
Thank you !

hashcat doesn't find password when it is in the wordlist

I have captured a handshake on my test Wifi Router, saved in a .cap file

I can crack it using aircrack-ng, with the following command:
aircrack-ng -w wordlist -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX test.cap    (where the XXs are the actual BSSID)

I converted it to a .hccap file using three different methods:
1. "wpaclean test-out.cap test.cap" command and then "aircrack-ng test-out.cap -J test" which results in test.hccap
2. Using https://hashcat.net/cap2hccap/
3. The Windows "CapConverter.exe" app

All three generate exactly the same .hccap file (did a binary compare using UltraCompare)

I have tried both hashcat on linux with the following command:
"hashcat -m 2500 test.hccap wordlist.txt"


cudaHashcat on Windows with the following command
"cudaHashcat64 -m 2500 test.hccap wordlist.txt"

Both come back as "Exhausted" even though the password is in the wordlist.txt file.

I have also tried downloading the sample hashcat.hccap file and cracked it without any issues.

test.cap >>  [url=<a href=http://www.filedropper.com >upload files free</a></div> src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a]http://www.filedropper.com/test[/url]
test.hccap >> http://www.filedropper.com/test_2
wordlist.txt >> http://www.filedropper.com/wordlist

Any help would be appreciated.

outfile-check-dir is being ignored


It looks like the outfile-check-dir is just being ignored? I've got 2 machines with a shared nfs directory '/results'

This is what I run on both machines:

Node 1:

./cudaHashcat64.bin --outfile-format=2 -m 2500 -a 3 /hccap/testme.hccap ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d -o /results/node1 --outfile-check-dir=/results --outfile-check-timer=10

Node 2:

./cudaHashcat64.bin --outfile-format=2 -m 2500 -a 3 /hccap/testme.hccap ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d -o /results/node2 --outfile-check-dir=/results --outfile-check-timer=10

When node 1 cracks the hash, node 2 just keeps running until the entire keyspace is exhausted. What I would expect is for it to terminate in 10 seconds after the first node cracks the hash. Is there any specific naming convention required for outfiles?

Amplifier - what is it?

Could you explain me what is the amplifier? I couldn't find any information to understand it properly and source code couldn't help me to make this clean. Thank you

Multi rules understanding

I want to create my own rule sets, but i can't understand what exactly "Each rule of each rule-file is combined with each rule of each rule-file" means. For example if I have 3 rule sets with power 4, 3, 2 respectively, then the amount of rules will be 4*3 + 4*2 +3*2 = 26. Is it true? Do the separate(single) rule files participate in calcuation - or we use just unions of several rules? The problem in my alghoritm is according to the source code the kernel_rules_cnt equals to 4*3*2=24 (not 26!) I didn't discover carefully what exactly the code did, because it was too complicated.
Can anybody help me? Thank you

Configuration suggestions

Hello everyone,

First of all, this is my first time building a custom pc, so please forgive me if I did something stupid or noobish.
I'd wish to build my first cpu dedicated to hash cracking, at the moment my plan is just to play with a single 970 card, in the future I could upgrade to 2x 980 cards.
After reading several setups, I wrote down this configuration, what do you think about it?

CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 2.7GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: Asus H170-PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard 
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Video Card
Case: Corsair 100R ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair VS 550W ATX Power Supply

Finally a little note about reference video cards: here in Europe is almost impossible to find a reference design 970/980 card, what could you suggest? Do you know any non-reference design that is still good enough?

WordPress Hash

Hey there,

The wiki suggests -m 400 for WordPress Hashes, but if I look at example Hashes of 400 they kinda look different.

my example hashes that I believe are generated by WordPress all start with $P$B. The example hash of the wiki starts with $P$.

So my question would be, if someone here knows if they use a new algorithm and/or if I can still crack the $P$B with -m 400?

weird rule issue..

Hi, I have one small issue here that someone probably can shed some light on Tongue

I have a hccap in which the password I know is amanda0101.

I have the word amanda in a wordlist and I've created a small rule with $0$1$0$1 but for some reason it won't crack the password when testing. 

If I use combinator with the word amanda in one wordlist and 0101 in the other then it cracks it.. Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.


How about RAR5 to hashcat?

As we know, oclHashcat-2.10b134 already supported RAR5. Is there any tools to convert RAR5 to hashcat hash formats?

According to what I know, "rar2john" probably do not support RAR5. Am I right?


Hi all,

Would it be possible to have added an algorithm that does substr(md5(md5($pass))) ?

It's basically for StuffIt 5 hashes, that are stored as a 40-bit cut from the 160-bit result of double-hashing the password with MD5.

I've seen the feature request from several years ago and even tried to add it myself basing on md5(md5($pass)) code, but I don't get where the code should be added to :p

Thanks in advance.
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