error v4.1.0
However, I get this error: for Windows 7 v4.1.0 hashcat-4.1.0>hashcat64.exe -m XXXX -b hashcat (v4.1.0) starting... ./ No such file or directory ./hashcat.outfiles: No such file or...
View ArticleDiskCryptor encrypted ISO
Hello. Is possible to brute force encrypted ISO by DiskCryptor? I have encrypted AES-Twofish-Serpent but i forgot a part of my password...
View ArticleWpa speed dropping
Hello there, Can some one tell me why my wpa speed slow's down about 30sec after starting. Just bought my new pc last week. Device #1: GeForce GTX 1080, 2048/8192 MB allocatable, 20MCU...
View ArticleGetting both hashes cracked and not cracked in one file?
I am struggling to figure out a way to get both cracked hashes and uncracked hashes in one file after a cracking session. Any ideas?
View ArticleGenerating dictonary
Hello What is the best solution to generating a dictionary that cracks 8 characters password with only big letters (A-Z). I check that combination should be cracked in 15days so is possible to...
View ArticleI have a question about password include question mark
Hello. My English skill is so bad. Please understand that.. I want to find my password. So, I followed FAQ. The Link: "I have a half-known...
View ArticleSpectre/Meltdown patch a prob?
Did a quick search and came up blank. But does the Spectre/meltdown patches effect cracking speeds? I've heard performance hits all over the place (5%-30%) Ubuntu server 16.04.4 lts tia.
View Articlehashcat v4.2.0
Welcome to hashcat v4.2.0! Download binaries or sources: This release is mostly about expanding support for new algorithms and fixing bugs: Added hash-mode 16700 =...
View ArticleDictionary for long passwords - Tips and ideas
Hi, I want to create a good dictionary as part of pen testing that attempts to crack NTLM hashes that are minimum 16 characters in length and with password complexity requirements. Do any of you have...
View ArticleDefault router keyspace for TelstraXXXX
I have found the default keyspace for TelstraXXXX wifi networks it is 0-9 with a length of 10 thought I would post this here as I haven't found this anywhere else online I don't have any pictures right...
View Articlecap to hccapx - best practices ?
Hi, What's the practice when converting .(p)cap files to hccapx? Some users adivse cap2hccapx from hashcat-utils, while some other users advise to use hcxpcaptool from ZerBea. What's the diffenrece...
View ArticleNoob - Understanding hashcat input format
Hello, I'm trying to understand the hashcat input format for a HMAC-SHA256 hash. I have read this page many times but I do not understand the input...
View Articlehow to take hash with winrar?
Hi, people! I need the help again. I don't understand this method. I investigate the RAR file. I have stopped the first steps. As I can take or find a hash file from the RAR file - that I can crack. I...
View ArticleNew attack on WPA/WPA using PMKID
In this writeup, I'll describe a new technique to crack WPA PSK (Pre-Shared Key) passwords. In order to make use of this new attack you need the following tools: hcxdumptool v4.2.0 or higher hcxtools...
View ArticleConfiguration problem
Hi everyone, i want to test hashcat with this password kadi1830 its for a mac login and the hash his this one E3AAD692DB9443A8A694C9DD63DD2F9CF354F27D but i doesnt work... so i suppose my...
View Articlenoob question
Hi everyone, How can I find the hash to put on hashcat on this step ? Sorry im noob ...
View Articlehcxpcaptool - output possible WPA/WPA2 plainmasterkey list
Hi, I'm quite old to hash cracking but quite new to WPA stuff, and I take the new Zerbea tools release opportunity to learn and share. I don't know if hashcat forum it the best place to discuss about...
View ArticleHybrid Worldlist + Mask 0 length mask
Hi guys, I'm new to using hashcat so there may be a better way to do this that i don't know, but I was wondering if there was a way to do hybrid mode and check with a 0 length mask. I tried using...
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