Think it's quite basic question but I'm not a cracking expert, so I wanted to ask how to crack what I think it's sha256, so I issued
hashcat -m 1400 --force usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt Desktop/hash.txt
but after a while, it finishes with status "Exhausted" and does not crack...I read a little in the web and saw that "exhausted" means that hashcat finished number of tries for a given mask...but I didn't specified a mask and I know for sure that this hash is crackable with rockyou...Need help, thanks in advance
hashcat -m 1400 --force usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt Desktop/hash.txt
but after a while, it finishes with status "Exhausted" and does not crack...I read a little in the web and saw that "exhausted" means that hashcat finished number of tries for a given mask...but I didn't specified a mask and I know for sure that this hash is crackable with rockyou...Need help, thanks in advance