First, off, this product has saved me a lot of time of reformatting PCs since I can not get into ex-employees PC who didn't leave me their password. Secondly, discovering and cracking into rogue access points in our corporate environment is my main use of this product.
Question I have is this: I have generated an 8 character hex file, all combinations of 1234567890ABCDEF.
When using this with oclhashcat, I specify this to use --hex-charset
I am able to crack the WPA2 with the HEX output, but how does this convert back to a human readable ascii passphrase?
Question I have is this: I have generated an 8 character hex file, all combinations of 1234567890ABCDEF.
When using this with oclhashcat, I specify this to use --hex-charset
I am able to crack the WPA2 with the HEX output, but how does this convert back to a human readable ascii passphrase?