I have my own modded old batchcrack but I have the same issues with passing paths to and from cygwin... trying to figure out how https://hashcat.net/tools/experiments/au...ck-plus.pl works and use it :
Cygwin (win7)
any-path I put in the wordlist . Only thing that works is /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/rockyou.txt but when its passed to older autocrack.sh it says it does not exist and the new one just says the following even with quiet removed
The workaround I use for my old script is a improper hack but it sorts the wordlist :
Cygwin (win7)
any-path I put in the wordlist . Only thing that works is /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/rockyou.txt but when its passed to older autocrack.sh it says it does not exist and the new one just says the following even with quiet removed
$ perl autocrack-plus.pl 1000
[*] Scanning dictionary mask: /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/*.txt
[*]Adding dictionary: /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/1337_speak.txt
[*]Adding dictionary: /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/rockyou.txt
[*]Starting main loop
[*]Stopping main loop
$ perl autocrack-plus.pl 1000
[*]Scanning dictionary mask: d:\Dictionaries\*.txt
No dictionaries found, giving up...
$ dir "d:\\Dictionaries\\rockyou.txt"
$ ls /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/rockyou.txt
$ dir "d:\Dictionaries"
1337_speak.txt InsidePro.dic theargonlistver1_clean.lst
18_in_1.lst PasswordsPro.dic Xploitz_clean.lst
InsidePro(Mini).dic rockyou.txt
$ ls /cygdrive/d/Dictionaries/rockyou.txt
The workaround I use for my old script is a improper hack but it sorts the wordlist :
## wordlist attacks
if [ $WORDLIST -eq 1 ]
for i in `ls --sort=size -r "$WORDLIST_PATH"`
run -a 0 "$WORDLIST_PATH"\/$i