Hi, I am new to cracking I was curious is it more efficient to pipe wordlists that are already compiled together with rules or to use hashcat to append/alter a smaller wordlist and have the rule applied as needed?
This is not an either or question but rather a question if generating extensive wordlists allows for more speed.
I think there a pros and cons to both
Relying on a small wordlist and altering it with rules requires less preparation time ( less words in the list ) but for each new hash to be cracked it would have to restart the rule sequence.
A large wordlist with the rules already applied requires more preparation however it seems to me it should be quicker as it doesn't have to process a function for each word.
Anyways looking for anybody who has practical experience in these matters, I'm just a padawan looking for a Jedi .
This is not an either or question but rather a question if generating extensive wordlists allows for more speed.
I think there a pros and cons to both
Relying on a small wordlist and altering it with rules requires less preparation time ( less words in the list ) but for each new hash to be cracked it would have to restart the rule sequence.
A large wordlist with the rules already applied requires more preparation however it seems to me it should be quicker as it doesn't have to process a function for each word.
Anyways looking for anybody who has practical experience in these matters, I'm just a padawan looking for a Jedi .